Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ella is a gift, mostly to us!

It's been a month since our last post and so much has happened!

We flew to Florida to visit my family and had a great time. The weather in Fort Myers was absolutely perfect... mid-70s every day! In fact the only day with bad weather was the day we left!

Ella had a wonderful time and did especially well on the flights. She even earned her first set of wings! The flight attendants loved her and visited her throughout the flight to see what she was up to. She slept most of the flights, though. It was WONDERFUL!

New Year's Eve brought most of our family together. Ella got to meet several cousins and see her aunts and uncles again. It was fun to see everyone and Ella especially loved playing with her little cousins.

On New Year's Day, Mark, Ryan and I went to Orlando to watch MSU get clobbered in the Capitol One Bowl. While the outcome wasn't what I wanted, it was still fun to spend time with them and go to a bowl game.

We visited several beaches and Ella just LOVED the water and just being outside. In fact, she and I ran outside three times together. Well, I ran and she rode in the jogging stroller. She especially loved running (napping) on the beach in the morning and the other runners, walkers and shell collectors would just stare and comment at how beautiful she is.

As far as Ella's development... well, let's just say that Early On is extremely pleased with Ella. In fact, they all get excited when they get to see her and their team talks about her all the time wanting to know how she's grown, etc.

Ella is officially walking, but she prefers to crawl right now. That's according to her physical therapist, Christina. One of the things that we were supposed to work with Ella on was siting on a pillow and the standing up without holding on to anything. Christina went to show Jenn and teach Ella how to do it when Ella just did it ALL BY HERSELF without being shown!!! That's how smart she is!

For occupational therapy, Jen has now altered her schedule to see Ella in three months rather than every other week! She does not have any food aversions and is perfectly on target now!

Ella can say a little more than 50 words, which is well above the average 19 month old. She must get that from her daddy!

Her 18-month old check up was very good. She now weights 18 lbs, 15 oz and is 30 inches tall. She is still in the zero percentile of her weight but is now in the sixth percentile for height. At least she's on the charts now!

Dr. Chapin told us that she labeled Ella as three months old when she first saw her in August and she is now saying she's 15-18 months old. So she has aged 13 or so months in merely five months time! That's what happens with love, nutrition and opportunities!

We now don't have to go back until her two year visit! WAHOO! Ella's doctor has really wanted to keep her eye on her and make sure she's gaining and growing, so we've been seen a lot more often that what's normally necessary. But that's okay with us. It helps us with making sure we are doing the right things with her and just keeping her on task!

A couple of fun stories to share:

- When Jenn dropped Ella off at daycare earlier this month, a little boy, Everett, came up to Ella and gave her a kiss. THEN another little boy, Ben, gave her a HUG! While Jenn thinks is sweet and cute, this just does not make daddy very happy.
- Our first stare-down. Ella and I were playing with each other one night after school and work. Ella kept signing and saying "more", so I obliged. But then got tired so I told her "no" and signed we're "finished". She was not done, so she SCREAMED and SHREAKED "MOOOOOOORRRRRREEEEE!" with her hands together for signing. I quickly responded with "Don't you every talk to me that way." At which point a stare-down began. What seemed like an hour was probably more like five minutes. We just kept staring at each other and she finally pushed her head back and ROLLED HER EYES!
- Ella and I were doing grocery shopping and while I was trying to find something on the shelf, a woman walks by and looks at Ella and says "HI ELLA! How are you today?" I had no idea who this woman was... but it was very strange and uncomfortable for me.

She is just growing and learning so much. She is mocking everything now and is able to repeat, repeat and repeat! So daddy is really trying hard to watch his mouth!!!

EC3 (daycare) is very happy with her and has told us that she is just a "really bright little girl... and very intelligent." That was from the director of programs at the whole school!

She just brings everybody that comes in contact with her so much joy and happiness. Ella is a gift, mostly to us!