Saturday, June 09, 2007

For sale; No news; The Gwen; Party!

Our house officially hit the Rockford real estate market this past Monday. We have done an awful lot of work to this house... there's been a lot of blood, sweat and tears. It will be very hard to leave.

There has been some activity with our home. We've had three showings in its first week and tomorrow is the first open house. Hopefully, it will sell quickly!


The May referrals came in on Wednesday. CCAA has placed children through November 7, 2005. They only got through six days and the reviews haven't been updated yet. So it goes.

The wait has officially hit the 19-month mark with this last batch of referrals. Which means, the earliest we would get our referral would be November 2007. But as each month comes and goes, the wait gets longer and longer.


To cope with the time, I went to the Gwen Stefani concert last night. It was a blast. Nancee, Lizzie and I went to Tinley Park and had a great time. I know, I know... I'm too old. But I had a lot of fun! The Gwen was all wound up, and so was I! Too much fun!


My last day at the Rockford Register Star was Friday. That wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. It is time to move on and face new challenges. I am on vacation for the next two weeks and will move to Lansing, MI on June 23. Jenn thinks that the reality hasn't hit me yet and probably will sometime next week. I have a lot of goodbye lunches scheduled... let's hope those I'm having lunch with will buy! My officially going away roast will be next Friday. God be with me (and them).

1 comment:

Anna said...

Not that hard? Not that hard? Well, geez. :)