Saturday, September 23, 2006

Shots, immunizations and disease... oh my

It's at the point that we must start getting our immunizations for our trip to Hong Kong. Those include:

- Hepatitis A or immune globulin (IG).
- Hepatitis B
- Malaria: - depending on which Province she's living.
- Typhoid - depending on which Province she's living.
- Tetanus

We're working with our insurance to find out what's covered and what's not. Most of them are NOT covered. The only ones that are covered are Tetanus and Hepatitis A.

Now, we're price shopping as to the cost of the others.

Right now the Hep B is $40 per shot and it's two shots; so a total of $160 for the both of us.

Hep A takes a little more than six months to complete -- which is why we need to start now.

Neither of us have had a Tetanus shot in years... so, it's time.

I'm thinking we'll take pictures of our shots and then post to the blog.

Tell us what you think?

Do you think we should photograph our immunizations?

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