Sunday, September 26, 2010

You never stop learning...

It's been very busy... as you can imagine, I'm sure!

Ella continues to do very well, growing and learning! Here is just a sample of things she's done over the past couple weeks:

- Swimming lessons: As many of you know, Ella is in swimming classes with daddy every Thursday night at the YMCA. The first class was canceled because of a little dirty accident in the pool NOT caused by Ella. But last Thursday was the first one. We had a lot of fun. She did Humpty Dumpty, Wheels on the Bus and the Hokey Pokey where her head went all the way under. Once that happened, she was DONE! It was hilarious. But she does love the water.

- Music class: Jenn takes her to MSUs early on music class every Wednesday evening. She's only had one so far, but had a really good time with it. She does love her music.

- Story time: Ella continues to go to the library every Wednesday morning for story time.

- Daycare: Once a week, Jenn takes Ella to her daycare so she can get acclimated and know the kids and teachers. Last Thursday, she had lunch there. Ella had a lot of fun playing with all the other kids... all boys... so I'm sure once she starts going in late October Ella will toughen up quickly.

- Baby showers: Last Sunday was a baby shower hosted by Jenn's girlfriends. We received a lot of great gifts, books, toys, etc. Everyone was so gracious... special thanks to Shalom and Danielle for organizing and hosting. We are very thankful to have such wonderful friends and neighbors. Today, the OC at the paper are hosting a shower for us... I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun there, too!

- Playdate: Ella had her first play date with Anabelle. She had SO much fun at their house and, of course, Sweetie-licious for lunch! She had her first bite of a Sweetie cookie... YUM YUM.

- Mid-Autumn Festival: yesterday, as part of FCC (Families with Children from China), we went to the Mid-Autumn Festival. It was a great time meeting all sorts of families with adopted Asian children and their parents and grandparents. Such a great group of people. Ella had a ball!

- Early On: the State of Michigan has a program titled, Early On, that evaluates children from a developmental perspective. They spent about 90 minutes at our home with Ella and Jennifer. Basically, they said she's developmentally delayed, which is no surprise. A report will be shared with us in about two weeks. We've heard these reports are an inch (or more) thick. Some immediate next steps include: vision/hearing test (Tuesday), joining an Early On playgroup (Wednesday), physical therapy and then occupational therapy. They really want her to focus on crawling, picking things up with her thumb and first finger, and naps. The more sleep she can get the better. They did say with all of this stimulation (which she's not used to) is just exhausting her. They were very happy with what we've (mostly Jenn) been doing with her. She's come a LONG way in a SHORT time.

Some great things also have happened in the past two weeks:

- She says her name, Ella.
- She kisses everything, even her daddy!
- She is doing the army crawl.
- She knows where her baby doll is -- Deb she LOVES the baby doll.
- She continues to eat very well... and has even started chewing... well, sort of.
- We received her birth certificates in the mail, which were incorrect. So Jenn called and got that all straightened out and now we have the correct ones. Apparently, my name is not Kevin McFatridge, it's Kevin Matthew.
- She is starting to hold her bottle by herself.
- She is discovering more of the house... checking out the laundry room and Jenn's office. She does really like to scratch the walls with her nails, which drives daddy absolutely CRAZY.
- She knows the word "No" very well now. She stops whatever she's doing, looks at me and then turns right around and does it again, quickly as if I wouldn't notice.

Below are a lot of random photos. We finally downloaded from our iPhones and our camera. We don't think there are any duplicates, but you'll find some of the things I've mentioned above.

Here's the thing... being a parent is hard. Yes, I know, this comes as no surprise to any of you that are already parents. And, it really doesn't come to any surprise to me either. However, what's hard is balancing work and life. I never realized how hard this would be.

I find that I just want to be here all the time and when I'm here, I'm constantly thinking about work and projects and ideas and and and...

I find myself jealous of my wife being the primary caregiver. But at the same time, I'm thrilled it's her and not me. This stems from when I asked how her day was and she said "for three hours we handed a subscription card back and forth to one another to work on her fine motor skills." Yeah, I could NOT do that. I'm so A.D.D. that the poor thing would be confused.

I find myself jealous of other parents whose 15 month old's (and some younger) are far more advanced than Ella. But Ella does things in her own time. It's fun to see the light turn on when she finally understands.

When Early On was out and evaluated her and Jenn filled me in on everything I found myself irritated that someone would JUDGE my daughter and tell me she's developmentally delayed. Yeah, whatever. But, I know they are here to help. So, I just need to get over it and help her.

And before any of you say anything, I know she was not given the opportunity to thrive. I know her chronological age is 15 months, but her emotional age is much younger... but I just want her to succeed and be the smartest kid I know she can be. I want to be able to provide whatever she needs to her... emotionally, developmentally, financially and security. And we are. These are just the random thoughts in my head. It's hard. It's just hard.

But, I'm loving every minute of it.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A lot of firsts and some great food!

It's been a little while since we've posted, but we've been a bit busy. :)

All of Ella's documents have been turned in to get her registration of foreign birth, which is her U.S. birth certificate. We should receive her birth certificate in about four-to-six weeks.

Ella met her cousins, Bryce and Aiden, and her uncle Jason for the first time over Labor Day. She had a wonderful time with them and loved to play. I think Bryce really took to Ella... and now believes she's real!!!

We also took Ella to the Potter Park Zoo for the first time. I think she was more amazed at the people than the animals, but it will come. That was an exhausting day as we kept her busy with errands.

The DeWitt Public Library offers a story time for toddlers. Jennifer and Ella were able to attend for the first time last week. The first 15 minutes is listening to stories and music and the last 15 minutes is floor (play) time with other kids.

This past weekend, we went to the lake for the Dunn's Fun Run, which honored Larry's life. It was very wet but fun at the same time. A lot of people came out and ran and walked in the rain. Ella stayed dry, but I did run the three miles.

While at the lake, Ella was able to meet her cousins, Ryan and Emily, her uncle Mark and aunt Deb, uncle Rick and aunt Susie, uncle Al and aunt Susie, and, of course, see her mamaw again. Many friends also got to meet Ella, too!

There were a few more firsts for Ella at the lake:
1. She had her first Sycamore (the best custard in the world).
2. She had her first taste of Sugar Cream Pie (an Indiana staple that NO other state offers).
3. She went to Riverside Park and rode on the Carousel.

It was great to see everyone and spend time together (even though it was a short trip). Ella received many wishes and gifts of which we are so thankful.

This week is going to be another busy week for her.

Tomorrow (Monday), Jenn is going to take her to her daycare facility to meet everyone.

Tuesday she has another doctor's appointment. We are anxious about this one to see how much weight she's gained. She's really become a little pig, lately. We are very thankful for that. It's been fun to see her belly (or Buddha belly as we like to call it) become larger.

Wednesday, she has story time again and her first toddler music class at MSU, both with Jenn.

Thursday is her first swim lesson with daddy.

Friday is our first post-placement visit with our social worker.

She is really changing in front of our very own eyes. She is becoming more vocal, ALMOST crawling (seriously, I think we have days until she's loose), she know's how big she is (sooooo big), she knows where the ceiling fan is (she looks up), she shakes her head yes when she is asked if daddy is her favorite, and she knows how to clap.

Everyone continues to ask us 'how we're adjusting?' That question perplexes me everytime we get asked. I mean... we've been waiting for Ella for more than four years and we've been wanting a family for more than 10 years. I don't really think there's an adjustment period going on at all. We love her very much and she has made our lives much more fulfilling. With that said, we've learned a few things:

1. It takes longer to get ready to do anything.
2. We can't be on the go all the time (I'm just reiterating this for my own benefit.)
3. Whenever we go somewhere, we have everything but the kitchen sink. I almost think we should purchase a trailer for her stuff.
4. Ella cannot tolerate being fed in a moving vehicle (she puked it all up).
5. We must be prepared for anything and everything. Which really means, we've added a change of clothes in the diaper bag.

With that all said (or typed), below are some photos for all of you...

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Ella, work and lessons...

Ella is doing wonderful!

She is eating extremely well now. Sitting up on her own. Standing up on her own. Pulling herself with her arms (almost crawling). Sleeping well. Picking things up. Laughing. Giggling. Smiling a lot. Adjusting to her car seat and stroller.

She is such an angel. I mean, really.

This was my first week back to work and it's gone well. It's hard to leave every morning, but when I come home she just gets so excited, so that's fun. I am getting back in the swing of things, though. Everyone has been so supportive and welcoming, it's been very nice. I think they did miss me. :~)

Jenn is doing very well with her every day. She spends a lot of time with her working on development and Ella is really doing well. I think Jenn really loves it! She is a natural.

I signed Ella up for some swim lessons at the Y. We begin on the 16th from 6-6:30. I'm really looking forward to that.

Jenn signed her up for an early learning music class at MSU and I know she's really looking forward to that.

Below are some photos of her playing, eating her first ice cream at the MSU Dairy Store (hilarious) and my office on my first day back to work.