Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our fourth annual top 10 list...

Four years ago today...

We got in a line for adoption with China. The wait for referral at the time was expected to be six-to-eight months; three years ago it was 17 months; two years ago it was 27 months; last year it was 38 months; and, as of April 2010 it has officially reached 48 months. Boy how time flies.

As we sit here reflecting, our thoughts are much more positive. After all, we should know within one-to-five weeks who will be our child.

In our fourth annual post, we will treat it the same as we have in the past... our top 10 list of what we know now... Without further ado...

This is what we know today
1. We will know who will be our child in a maximum of five weeks.
2. There are only seven days ahead of us in line.
3. The name
4. We will be celebrating Christmas as a family of three.
5. Our fingerprints will not expire until February 2011.
6. Our original file is still somewhere between Chicago and Detroit!
7. If we do not think we will return from China with our child by August 26, 2010, we will have to renew our I-600 for the fourth time, which is a $1500 document.
8. The room is done.
9. We have selected and reserved a child care center.
10. Next summer our child will be toggling along after the others in my neighbors yard.

Early projections anticipate the next cut off being 4/23/06 which is one day before our LID. Which means we will definitely make it in June, if not May.

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

grandmarockton said...

YEA! so near and yet so far