Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Stressing dreams...

Stress is a something else.

Jenn told me the other morning about her dream... picture it:

It's August 4, 2010, 7:32 p.m. on a Delta flight somewhere over the western United States.

Jennifer: Kevin, do you have the money?

Kevin: No, you said you got it.

Jennifer: I didn't get it. You told me you got it.

[both look at each other and say ] &%*$

But what I didn't tell her is that I had a dream that night also. No dialogue, though.

I was sitting in bed about to get up for the day and yawned. At that point all of my teeth just fell out. YEP... just FELL out.

Of course, there's a meaning to that, right? I Googled what it meant and, basically, it means I'm stressed. But there are many interpretations. Here they are:

- fear of rejection
- fear of growing old
- fear of embarrassment
- inferiority or lack of confidence
- I put my faith, trust, and beliefs in what man thinks rather than in the word of God
- In the Greek culture, a family member or close friend is very sick or even near death
- In the Chinese culture, there is a saying that you are telling lies
- Symbolizes money

I like the last one the best. :~)

But, these dreams symbolize to us that we are stressed. As I said earlier, this is a moment in time. But our subconscious is being revealed through our stressing dreams.


grandmarockton said...

I'll take a bag full! or just a kiss from Ella! Relax, it's only going to get BETTER, no sleep, wet diapers, throw-up, etc; don't want to scare you! lol

Steve and Mellissa said...

You guys have been waiting for this for 4 years. All the emotions are just pouring in. Wait till sunday....