Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ready, willing and waiting to go...

We have been reminded of the lack of posts made over the past two weeks... and that it's time for an update...

According to Rumor Queen, the European Agencies received early June referrals Travel Assignments. Which, hopefully, means we'll receive ours early this week. (fingers crossed)

The wait is becoming harder each day. Knowing we'll be gone in a few short weeks and meeting Ella for the first time has been on our minds since the referral.

That said... we have been busy... some of you might say we're nesting... others would just say we are organizing. :~)

Of course, my uber-organized wife (complete with spreadsheets, highlighters and charts) has purchased everything Ella will need for when we get there. And, because of that, she wanted to get her suitcase packed so we won't have to worry about it when the time does come. Honestly, I think it took us an hour, but her suitcase is packed.

Here you'll see just an ordinary suitcase:

But here, you'll see a suitcase packed full of hopes, dreams and, now, reality:

Inside this suitcase consists of more than 100 items (excluding clothes). Yes... you read correctly, more than 100 items... EXCLUDING clothes. Oh, and you might ask... where are the clothes? They are in a secret compartment wrapped in Ziplock bags. Because they take up less space when you remove the air. They don't even take up 1% of the actual suitcase.

The items recommended we take includes an actual pharmacy (in case she has a cold, diarrhea, flu, etc), a blanket, bottles, a couple books, diapers, snacks, sippy cup, bibs and the list just goes on and on.

Jennifer has already created an Excel list of categories... for her, for me, and for miscellaneous items that we should not forget. Please note my list is blank.

As I type this she is yelling at me saying that "you could not have done this without any planning. If so, we would be at Meijer at midnight the night before we leave." Yeah, she's probably right.

But the point is... we're ready. We are overly ready.


M.Vars said...

Hi Jenn and Kevin, I saw your post on China Adopt Talk and saw that our daughters are from the same SWI. I believe I have some pictures of your daughter from our visit to the SWI and would be happy to share them with you if you would like to email me. You can reach me at I know you're busy getting ready to travel so please feel free to wait until after your return; although, I'm sure you will be even more busy then!! Congratulations. Mary

grandmarockton said...

the important things are HOPES & DREAMS, a little FAITH never hurt either! SAFE TRIP