Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Doctors, shots and swingsets!

We are settling here at home with Ella.

Yesterday was a big day. Ella had her first doctors appointment.

We had several questions (of course, we're first time parents)!

Ella weighed 14.1 lbs and is 28.25" long. She is in the zero percentile of her weight and the seventh percentile for her length. And, that's on the Asian charts. Clearly, we have some work to do.

Also on her first appointment, she got three immunizations and a TB test. So, she was not happy. For more added excitement, we took her to the lab at the hospital where she had blood drawn. Boy oh boy, is that ever heart wrenching for the parents. You have Jenn, me and a nurse holding her steady while a second nurse is digging in her arm for a vein to get the blood. The poor thing cried so hard and was just so upset. Thankfully, at this age, she has a very short memory as she was smiling on the way out.

She goes back in three weeks for test results and two more immunizations.

Today, we met a friend of mine in Jackson and went to Ella Sharp Park and spent quite some time walking around. Below is a photo gallery of her at the park and her first time on a swing.

How sweet is she?


Debbie Sauer said...

She is just precious! My granddaughter, from Hunan, was very small also. She still is but eats well is growing at a slow pace. They are just going to be small girls and that's ok. Please keep sending updates and pictures. Blessings

Anonymous said...

Kevin and Jen,
Sending along big congratulations on bringing home your new little daughter.
She is a beauty.
Melodie Hueber

Anonymous said...

Ella is a swimmer!!!!! She is so cute.
Denise Sanders