Wednesday, June 09, 2010

The call...

Here is the video of THE call.

It was just after lunch on Monday, June 7... Jennifer met me at my office so we had Beth, our social worker, on speaker phone.

Notice the awkward silence and twitching during the call.


Terri said...

How awesome that you shared THE call. I am amazed at it all. Wishing you all the best. Hoping you will be traveling SOON!

Dunja said...

This so cool. I am soo excited for you. She is just precious!

JodyLynn said...

Congratulations! You are parents!!! Thanks for sharing the call with us. Ella is a real doll - I can't believe all the hair... Hoping you travel soon - Jody in Okemos, MI

ksk said...

This is so awesome! It brought a tear to my eye and so many memories when I took the same kind of call to hear about Elle, almost six years ago!!

I'm so happy for you!