Monday, June 14, 2010

Where's Ella?

We are learning more and more every day. There are so many wonderful people who have adopted sharing their experiences and information it's just wonderful. They are sending us all sorts of things.

First of all, where is Jiangxi? It is in the southern region of the People's Republic of China. Mountains surround Jiangxi on three sides; and is centered on the Gan River valley.

With, roughly, 44,000,000 in the Jiangxi Province, it is a rather poor province when compared to its neighboring provinces.

Nanchang, the region's capital and the most densely populated city, is one of China's largest metropolis. This is where we will fly into and where "gotcha day" will happen.

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So, now you know where the province is... where is the orphanage? Thanks to the folks at below is an image of all SWI in the Jiangxi province. Locate Nanchang and follow the train tracks southwest. Nanchang is located near the center to the southwest of the big lake.

Here are some images from June 2005... again compliments of

The main building:

The courtyard:

So, there you have it... it seems like a nice place... but nothing will compare to her room we have waiting for her!

Here's to a quick six-to-eight weeks!

1 comment:

Terri said...

I love all of the info. Very interesting....Keep it coming!